Source Code: createOrigin.js
Purpose: Define Origin locations and establish base environment variables
Additional Usage: Extend base values, create macros for network related prefetching hooks, including those required for header inspection
// Copyright (C) 2020 New Entity Operations Inc.
// All Rights Reserved
// P2: createOrigin.js
// createOrigin.js
// Version 0.5 (2023/02/09)
// the 'tempo' endpoint can be accessed if the formatted object has been correctly serialized
// the endpoint is public by default and when a proper object hits it, you'll be registered
// as a 'DOMAIN' that will allow for cross instnace time syncing, setting your up/down
// availabilty and connecting.
var COREHOST = ""
var originPoint = "";
var favoritePoint = "/static/js/img/newentity.jpg"
var locationMock = "/mock/";
var locationSiteMap = "/sitemap.xml";
var startPresentationPath = "/static/js/img/newentity.jpg";
var sockINOUT = "/AIREP/";
var startingPointPresentation = originPoint+startPresentationPath;
var urlFullPathAIREP = originPoint+sockINOUT;
var urlFullPathMock = originPoint+locationMock;
// elements
var newentity = document.getElementById("newentity");
// Legacy
var ON = 1;
var OFF = 0;
// Static content
var screenXtext = "Screen Attributes: Width -> ";
var screenYtext = "Screen Attributes: Height -> ";
var POSel = "pSelected: ";
// vectorValues
var descriptiveTitle = 8; // humanReadableTitle
var classifierQueueLookup = 9; // humanReadableClassifier
var metaFeatures = 10; // metaFeatures
var ownerCopyright = 11; // ownerCopyright
var recordCreationDate = 12; // recordCreationDate
var safetyRating = 13; // safetyRating
// Constant declarations, or simple var's depending on the needed type/if functions are utilizing some kind of strict mode
// Establish "visionZone"
var levelVisionRenderMax = 1720;
var levelVisionRenderMin = 400;
// "visionZone" block values
var levelVisionRenderMin1 = 520;
var levelVisionRenderMin2 = 780;
var levelVisionRenderMin3 = 1040;
var levelVisionRenderMin4 = 1360;
// weighted 'VectorProcessor'
var weightVectorProcessorHDR = 7;
var weightVectorProcessorMinimal = 2;
var weightVectorProcessorMinimal3 = 3;
var weightVectorProcessorMinimal4 = 4;
var weightVectorProcessorMinimal5 = 5;
var weightVectorProcessorMinimal6 = 6;
// helperOrigin
// var metaParserValue1 = PATTERN_HERE;
// Events
eventOperatorKey = ON;
eventMouse = ON;
eventMouseOver = ON;